#the food and agriculture organization fao

Collection of the food and agriculture organization fao news, found 189 news.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon pledges full support to Qatar for establishing the Global Dry Land

-     -- Panel of global leaders gather in Qatar National Pavilion at Rio+20 UN Conference on ...

S. Korea to help stem FMD outbreak in Asian nations

South Korea will spend US$2.61 million in the next four years to help fight foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Southeast ...

Adaptive technology needed to support indonesia`s food security

Indonesia needs an adaptive technology in developing commodities that will support its food security, a minister ...

VP to observe world food day in Gorontalo

Vice President Boediono is scheduled to officially lead the national commemoration of World Food Day 2011 in ...

RI drops bid for FAO director general

Indonesia dropped its bid for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) director general at the 37th conference of the ...

Sumatra on alert as bird flu comes back

The sudden death of thousands of chickens has been reported in several cities on Sumatra Island over the past several ...

Govt ready to open 2 million hectares of farm land

The government is ready to open two million hectares of farm land in anticipation of declining food production due to ...

Govt urged to anticipate potential global food crisis

The Central Organization for Indonesian Employees (Soksi) urged the government on Wednesday to take prompt steps to ...

Climate change begins changing food production pattern

Climate change is now no longer a potenial threat to Indonesia`s food production but a phenomenon that has already ...