#the ministry of communication

Collection of the ministry of communication news, found 770 news.

Job Creation Perppu supports revival of MSMEs in Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic became a serious test for the economy of many countries in the world, including ...

Posindo to boost development of eastern Indonesia's logistics industry

The state-owned postal service company PT Pos Indonesia (Posindo) has pledged its commitment to expediting development ...

No significant increase in poultry deaths in Riau: Ministry

The Indonesian Health Ministry has assured that there has been no significant increase in cases related to the sudden ...

Need to expedite health development to enter endemic phase: ministry

Indonesia needs to step up health development to make the pandemic-to-endemic transition, head of the Health ...

Minister equates SatuSehat security system with banking system

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that the data security system for SatuSehat application users is similar to ...

Medical graduates turning influencers matter of choice: ministry

The Health Ministry has said that the rising trend of medical graduates becoming content creators and influencers ...

F1 Powerboat raises economic impact for local rickshaw drivers

The F1 Powerboat (F1H2O) World Championship, which took place in Balige Sub-district's Lake Toba, North ...

National assembly seeks improvement in political, digital literacy

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Lestari Moerdijat, has called for an improvement in ...

Ministry discusses publisher rights regulation with platform providers

Officials from the Ministry of Communication and Informatics have met with representatives from digital ...

Trade Ministry takes down 6,678 links selling MinyaKita oil

The Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Commerce Order (PKTN) of the Trade Ministry has taken down 6,678 ...

Govt thanks national press for its support

The Ministry of Communication and Information has expressed gratitude to the Indonesian press for its continued support ...

Jokowi to introduce publishers' rights regulation at HPN commemoration

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will introduce the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) on publishers' rights at the ...

Strengthening quality of human resources to support IKN Nusantara

Nusantara, chosen as the official name by the Indonesian government for the new capital city (IKN) in North Penajam ...

Pos Indonesia, Kominfo collaborate to add services in 3T areas

State-owned postal company PT Pos Indonesia has collaborated with the Ministry of Communication and Informatics ...

ESDM Ministry holds second booster COVID-19 vaccination

The Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ministry held the second booster dose of COVID-19 vaccination for all its ...