#the ministry of finance

Collection of the ministry of finance news, found 657 news.

Ministry to release additional state capital funding for 2020

The Ministry of Finance will increase the allocation of state capital participation (PMN) this year for two state-owned ...

Indonesia's exploration costs stayed low in past two decades: minister

Indonesia's exploration costs over the past two decades remained low, constituting one percent of the world-class ...

Ministry highlights extent of COVID-19 pandemic's impact on MSMEs

Expert Staff to the Minister of Finance for Macro Economy and International Finance, Suminto, drew attention to the ...

Govt to inject Rp2 trillion into Bio Farma for vaccine procurement

The Finance Ministry plans to inject Rp2 trillion in funds to state-owned pharmaceutical holding company PT Bio Farma ...

BUMN, one institution allotted Rp42.38 trillion from Finance Ministry

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) allocated State Capital Participation (PMN) of Rp42.38 trillion in the 2021 State ...

The third edition of CIIE is ready to kick off

- The third China International Import Expo (CIIE) is entering the final stage of preparations as a huge road paving ...

View COVID-19 pandemic as chance to bolster state foundation: minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati perceives the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to fortify the country's ...

Pesantren playing significant role in national development: Mulyani

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said Indonesia’s 28,194 pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), which ...

Pandemic compels public to embrace digital transformation: Minister

Emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has left people with no choice but to adopt, involve, and conduct digital ...

Policy reforms instrumental in realizing developed Indonesia by 2045

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) stressed that economic recovery and policy reforms were the basis for fulfilling ...

LIPI's review shows LPM's financial performance fell during pandemic

The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) conducted a quick review and unearthed that the financial performance of ...

Conquering pandemic key to economic recovery: ministry

Conquering the COVID-19 pandemic is the main prerequisite for spurring national economic recovery, according to the ...

Indrawati seeks adaptive, responsive approach to overcome pandemic

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati laid emphasis on the need for all levels of the Finance Ministry to be adaptive, ...

Government bears import duties to help business world survive crisis

The government is bearing import duties on the imports of goods and materials to produce goods and/or offer services in ...

Digitalization boosts productivity amid COVID-19 pandemic: ministry

Director General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Luky Alfriman believes ...