#the quran

Collection of the quran news, found 296 news.

Ansor to support NU cadres in presidential race

Ansor, the youth wing of one of Indonesia's largest Islamic organizations Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), has pledged to support ...

Former law minister to be Nazaruddin`s legal adviser

The former law minister Yusril Ihza Mahendra has expressed interest to become the legal adviser to the former ruling ...

Indonesia`s quran paper has export quality

Industry Minister Ms Hidayat said Indonesia had to develop its Quran Paper (QPP) because it had export quality and ...

Saudi advises to postpone hajj plans this year

Saudi Arabia has called upon foreign pilgrims to postpone their Hajj plans this year due to ongoing expansion work at ...

Social affairs minister on working visit to Ambon

Social Affairs Minister Salim Segaf Al Jufri arrived in Ambon on Thursday morning, on a two-day working visit, in a ...

VP`s remarks on mosque loudspeakers draw criticism

Many have expressed objections to Vice President Boediono`s call for regulation of the use of loudspeakers at mosques ...

VP calls for regulation on mosque loudspeakers

Vice President Boediono asked the Indonesian Council of Mosques here on Friday to start discussing a possible ...

Seeking closer ties between Ningxia and Indonesia

Located in northwest China and crossed by the Yellow River, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the home of China`s ...

Islamic approach to tackle AIDS in Indonesia

World Vision Indonesia (WVI) launched the "Channel of Hope" (COH) with an Islamic context in response to HIV and ...

Illegitimate child rights and its problems in Indonesia

The National Child Protection Commission (KPAI) has estimated that 50 per cent of Indonesian children have no birth ...

Fallout from Afghan Koran burning widens

The fallout from Koran burnings at a US airbase, which triggered a week of violence, has widened as Afghan ministers ...

Imam of New York Islamic Centre asks FPI to rethinking their methods

Imam Shamsi Ali of the New York Islamic Centre, US, has asked the Islam Defender Front (FPI) to rethink their methods ...

President attends banquet in PUIC participants` honor

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Monday night attended a banquet in honor of delegates to the 7th conference of ...

Last postponement of Aceh simultaneous polls

After several postponements of Aceh regional simultaneous polls, the Constitutional Court (MK) finally allowed the ...

Bekasi couple arrested for suspected terror links

A couple suspected of being linked to a terror network is reported to have been arrested at their home in Bekasi, ...