#the sugar

Collection of the sugar news, found 995 news.

Understanding 10 lifestyle mistakes that may trigger fatigue

Tiredness is experienced by all, with a research in the US included in the "Journal of Pediatrics and Child ...

Self-isolating patients should eat high calorie, protein-rich foods

Nutritionist at Gadjah Mada University, Aviria Ermamilia, has suggested the intake of high-calorie and protein-rich ...

Surviving the pandemic behind prison walls

Who would have thought that the insidious grasp of the coronavirus would extend beyond people with high ...

UAE keen to invest in Indonesia's sugar industry: ministry

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed interest in investing in Indonesia's farming sector, specifically ...

Early diabetic leg handling important to prevent amputation: expert

Early prevention and detection are important to reduce the number of diabetic wound cases and prevent leg amputations, ...

Ministry distributes 46,614 social assistance packages

The Law and Human Rights Ministry has distributed 46,614 social assistance packages through the 'Kumham Peduli' ...

Over 7,000 tons rice sufficient for Maluku, North Maluku: Bulog

State Logistics Board (Bulog) Maluku regional division ensured that the existing seven thousand tons of rice stored at ...

Not a single teacher should miss out on vaccination: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) laid specific emphasis on the importance of no teachers and educational workers being ...

News Feature

Reviving Indonesia's self-reliance in soybean production

At the beginning of 2021, residents of the Greater Jakarta Area, including Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, found ...

News Feature

Tracing tempe's appeal in Indonesian culinary history

Looking to raise the national spirit and drive the importance of building a strong nation that is not easily ...

Government seeks preventive efforts against COVID-19 spike in June

The government has striven to avert a likely spike in COVID-19 cases in June 2021 following heightened community ...

News Feature

Tracking the spice trail to Banda

  On July 3, 1468, Charles the Bold, the Duke of Burgundy, married Margaret of York at the home of a wealthy ...

Beware of calorie-dense foods during Eid to prevent stroke: Doctor

Neurologist at the Islamic General Hospital (RSUI), Dinda Diafiri, advised the public to steer clear from consuming ...

Fasting disciplines children, helps them lead healthy life

Fasting benefits children learning to worship during Ramadan while concurrently instilling a disciplined lifestyle ...

News Feature

Creating fonder memories during Ramadhan with sweet bingka

The fasting month of Ramadhan is the ideal time to savor traditional cakes to break the fast, several of which are only ...