#the sugar

Collection of the sugar news, found 995 news.

Minister urges homebound travelers to assess, take stock of health

Health Minister Nila Moeloek has appealed to homebound travelers during the Eid Al-Fitr Islamic Holiday to get the ...

News Focus

Global rice market sensitivity be accorded to right domestic policy

The fact that the trade of rice commodities among nations is merely five percent of the global rice production traded ...

News Feature

Enjoying the sights and sounds while returning to homeland

Mudik, or homecoming, the annual special tradition of going home is followed before Eid Al-Fitr, locally known as ...

Indonesia invites Brazil to invest in sugar industry

The government has invited Brazil to invest in Indonesia's agriculture sector, especially in the development of ...

Lampung's imports surge 171.26 percent in first months of 2019

Lampung province's imports surged 171.26 percent to US$397.38 million during the first four months of 2019, ...

Uncontrolled hypertension precursor to serious ailments: Ministry

The health ministry's officials cautioned that hypertension, or high blood pressure, if not brought under control, ...

News Feature

Fresh water Nira emerges popular choice to break Ramadhan fast

The sweet taste, unique aroma, and freshness of Nira water, with its innate characteristic freshness, extracted from ...

News Feature

Multifarious health benefits of dates and boosting male vitality

Dates offer wide-ranging health benefits, from boosting digestion and preventing anemia to also maintaining the ...

Anti-graft team returns empty-handed after raid at minister's house

Investigators of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) found nothing pertinent to an alleged bribery case to ...

Ramadan market operations receive Rp20 billion boost from West Java

The Government of West Java has apportioned Rp20 billion for market operations to ensure that prices of basic ...

CEPA marks new milestone of Indonesia-Australia economic ties

Jakarta (Antara) – The signing of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement ...

Jokowi receives sugarcane growers association

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received the Association of Indonesian Sugarcane Growers (APTRI) Central Executive ...

Russia stresses on not intervening in Indonesia`s presidential election

The Russian Embassy in Jakarta has stressed that Russia does not intervene in the Indonesian presidential ...

Demand for refined sugar projected to increase five percent

The Indonesian Food and Beverage Association (GAPPMI) has projected a five percent rise in demand for refined sugar, ...

Raw sugar import depends on industry demand

Recommendation on the import of raw sugar will be issued based on the industry demand, acting Director General of ...