#the university of indonesia

Collection of the university of indonesia news, found 1.210 news.

Jakarta police to counsel public transport owners over rape cases

Jakarta police will gather public transport operators following recent cases of rape and robbery committed in public ...

Students race against each other to map safer Indonesia

Students from five of Indonesia`s biggest universities have taken part in an innovative competition to map their ...

Lest Ambon fresh communal clash deteriorate

The people in Ambon, Maluku, must exercise self refrain lest Sunday`s communal clash in the city deteriorate and ...

International marine tourism seminar to promote babel potentials

The upcoming two-day seminar on international marine tourism in Bangka-Belitung (Babel) provincial city of ...

Law professor deplores Supreme Court`s stand on Judicial Commission`s recommendation

A constitutional law professor has expressed concern over the recent decision of the Supreme Court to reject the ...

Pangkalpinang to host international marine tourism seminar

National and international tourism players will hold a seminar on international marine tourism at Novotel Hotel in ...

UI rector defends decision to grant degree to Saudi king

University of Indonesia (UI) Rector Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri defended his decision to award an honorary degree to ...

Lecturers, activists slam UI rector over award to Saudi King

A number of lecturers of state University of Indonesia (UI) and non-governmental organization activists have voiced ...

UI awards honorary title to Saudi King

The University of Indonesia (UI) has awarded an honorary title to Saudi Arabia`s King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at a ...

News Focus: Colombian police finally stop runaway Nazaruddin

After being on the run in three continents for about 75 days, Nazaruddin, the former Democrat Party treasurer ...

RI students to participate in GMUN-2011

A number of students from various universities in Indonesia will participate in the Global Model United Nations 2011 ...

Developing nations must prioritize fight against cervical cancer

A Dutch gynecologist has called cervical cancer (or cancer of the cervix) a developing country disease because 80 ...

KPK`s ethics committee joined by Syafii Maarif, Nono Makarim

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has decided to change the composition of its ethics committee membership ...

US, determining factor over Patek`s further investigation

A criminologist said it was the US that would be the determinant with regard to further investigation of Umar Patek, ...

Beware of hepatitis, the silent killer

Indonesia just joined the world in observing World Hepatitis Day on July 28 launched by the World Health Organization ...