Muhammadiyah's COVID-19 Command Center launched a public awareness campaign on ways to reduce risks of contracting ...
A patient has been discharged from Jakarta's Sulianti Saroso Infectious Disease Hospital (RSPI) after a thorough ...
The Communication and Informatics Ministry reports that from January to March 8 there were 177 novel coronavirus hoaxes ...
Eight Indonesian crew members of the Diamond Princess cruise liner, declared free of coronavirus after treatment in an ...
The number of suspected coronavirus patients in Indonesia has reached 11 as of Saturday afternoon, according to a ...
Indonesian nationals evacuated from the World Dream cruise ship are maintaining their good health, the Indonesian ...
One of the 69 Indonesians, who were crew of Diamond Princess, is suspected of having contracted coronavirus (COVID-19) ...
Police would take stern action against community members who hoard goods, including medical masks, for profit amid ...
The University of Jember (Unej), East Java, applied preventive measures to stop the spread of novel coronavirus disease ...
related quarantine site for 188 Indonesians from the World Dream liner’s crew who had been repatriated one week ...
The Social Affairs Ministry has begun intensifying its surveillance over the spread of the novel coronavirus disease ...
The Indonesian authorities from immigration and other related agencies in Manokwari, West Papua Province’s ...
Indonesian Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto said on Monday that two Indonesians who tested positive for novel ...
Thirty-three people who had been in contact with a Singaporean national who died of pneumonia in Batam city, Riau ...
related quarantine site for 188 Indonesians from the World Dream liner’s crew repatriated a week ago. In the ...