#to be questioned

Collection of to be questioned news, found 1.299 news.

Singaraja immigration deports seven illegal Chinese workers

Singaraja immigration office in Buleleng district, Bali, has deported seven illegal Chinese workers who worked for ...

Nazaruddin questioned as witness in e-ID corruption case

Former Democratic Party Treasurer M. Nazaruddin was questioned as witness in a further hearing of a corruption case ...

Government shutting down illegal investment firms

The government, through its Investment-alert Task Force, has, since early this year, shut down the operations of 19 ...

AGO questions ex-BRI president director over electric cars

The Attorney Generals Office (AGO) has questioned former president director of state lender Bank Rakyat Indonesia ...

AGO interrogates ex-Pertamina boss over procurement of electric cars

The Attorney Generals Office (AGO) has questioned former president director of state oil and gas company PT Pertamina ...

Nunukan police arrest ship passenger carrying 7 kilograms of meth

The police in Nunukan, North Kalimantan, have arrested a passenger of KM Lambelu ship carrying 7 kilograms of ...

EARTH WIRE -- Coral reef destruction during recent shipwreck hurting Raja Ampat tourism

Roughly 1,600 square meters of coral reefs in Raja Ampat District, West Papua Province, are said to have been damaged ...

Former secretary general confesses receiving e-ID card money

Former Homer Affairs Ministrys secretary general Diah Anggraini confessed she had received US$500 thousand linked to a ...

Parties call for penal action in Raja Ampat reef case

Some parties have highlighted the need to take penal action against those found guilty of inflicting damage to Raja ...

Aceh police destroy two hectares of marijuana

Aceh Besar Police have destroyed two hectares of marijuana plantation that were ready to be harvested in Gampong ...

Indonesian chief economic minister criticizes Oxfam`s gap report

Chief economic minister Darmin Nasution questioned Oxfam report that four richest mens wealth in Indonesia is equal ...

Leaders question two-state solution to Palestine issue

Leaders of various countries across the world, participating in the 6th International Conference in Support of the ...

KPK questions former Garuda president director as suspect

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) questioned former president director of Garuda Indonesia Emirsyah Satar ...

Merkel to defend international cooperation at Munich conference

No country can solve the worlds problems on its own and governments can achieve more for their nations if they work ...

MK Ethics Council questions Patrialis Akbar

The Constitutional Courts (MKs) Ethics Council on Monday questioned MKs justice Patrialis Akbar at the Corruption ...