#to israel

Collection of to israel news, found 1.683 news.

MUI thankful to participants of Dec 17 rally to defend Palestine

The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) has expressed gratitude to any party that has taken part in ensuring the success ...

Thousands stage rally to condemn President Trump`s move

Thousands of people staged a rally here on Monday to lend support to the Palestinian people`s struggle and condemn US ...

Indonesia continues to gather further support for Palestine: Marsudi

Indonesia continues to gather further support for Palestine by ensuring that the vote on a draft resolution on ...

World Zakat Forum encourages zakat agencies to provide aid for Palestinians

The World Zakat Forum (WZF) has invited the "zakat" (almsgiving is treated in Islam as a religious obligation or tax) ...

Palestine not religious issue

Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, stated that various issues concerning Palestine are not religious issues ...

Pro-Palestine rally calls for boycott and review of us business, investment in Indonesia

A major pro-Palestine rally held in the National Monument (Monas) area, here, Sunday, issued a petition calling for ...

Hundreds of thousands of Indonesians rally in support of Palestine

At least several hundred thousand people staged a peace rally at the National Monument in Jakarta on Sunday to show ...

Jerusalem forever belongs to Palestine

Meet Dr Norman Gary Finkelstein, 64, an American political scientist, activist, professor, author, and Jewish. ...

Jakarta police ready to secure `Bela Palestina` rally

The Jakarta police are getting ready to secure the "Bela Palestina" rally to be held at Monas Square, Sunday, ...

77 mass organizations stage rally to show solidarity with Palestine

Some 77 Islamic and youth organizations in West Aceh district staged a rally on Friday to show their solidarity with ...

Jerusalem not political but humanitarian issue: Jordan ambassador

The issue of the status of Jerusalem has been considered not merely political but it is more about human rights, ...

Palestine thanked Indonesia for its support

The Palestinian Embassy for Indonesia expressed its gratitude towards Indonesia for the country`s support in declining ...

Retno Marsudi to rally EU's support for Palestine

Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, will visit Brussels to gather EU's support for Palestine and deliver the outcomes of ...

OIC rejects Jerusalem as Israel's capital: minister

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states have spoken in one voice over the US president's statement ...

Indonesia reaffirms support for Palestine

President Joko Widodo has reaffirmed that Indonesia's support to the Palestinian struggle would only increase and ...