
Collection of toddler news, found 121 news.

Weekend Stories

Coping strategies for parents to protect mental health amid pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to adapt to ‘a new normal’, with parents having to don several hats ...

Mataram Hospital confirms COVID-19 diagnosis of four children

The Mataram City Public Hospital in West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, is currently offering treatment to four ...

Two-year-old tests positive for COVID-19 in Riau

There has been a rising trend in coronavirus infections in the Indonesian province of Riau, which has recorded 30 ...

News Feature

Finding a balance while staying at home with toddlers

There appears to be some variance in the way people are practicing physical distancing and complying with social ...

Indonesia records 5,136 COVID-19 cases, 446 recoveries

The Indonesian Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling has recorded a total of 5,136 confirmed cases of the ...

Task force confirms recovery of COVID-infected toddler from Cilacap

A four-year-old toddler, identified as AL, residing in Bulupayung Village, Cilacap District, Central Java, was declared ...

Jakartans begin understanding importance of staying at home: police

Many Jakartans have begun understanding the importance of staying at home to contain the spread of new coronavirus ...

Two patients under surveillance in Bogor dead: coronavirus center

Two residents of Bogor who had presented with COVID-19 symptoms died while under surveillance at a city hospital, said ...

Indonesian govt distributes 125,000 rapid test kits to 34 provinces

Indonesia’s central administration has provided 125,000 rapid test kits to 34 provinces for screening those ...

COVID-19: Indonesia's death toll rises to 55

The number of coronavirus deaths in Indonesia rose to 55 on Tuesday, while the number of positive cases climbed by 107 ...

Toddler being observed in Lampung hospital: COVID-19 task force

Amid ongoing concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, a 2.4-year-old infant is hospitalized at a local public hospital in ...

13 Sikka residents have died of dangue fever since early 2020

The Sikka District Health Office, East Nusa Tenggara, reported here on Sunday that 13 people had died of dengue fever ...

Freeport Community sends assistance to Sentani flood victims

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) sent aid worth three tons to residents affected by the flash floods in Sentani, Jayapura ...

Israeli settlers vandalize mosque near Ramallah

Israeli settlers Monday vandalized a mosque in Deir Dibwan, a village to the east of Ramallah, said a municipal ...

President calls on people not to disseminate slander

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has reminded that the people should not disseminate slander and false news. "Be ...