
Collection of ulema news, found 815 news.

Ulema council launches online halal certification service

The Food and Analysis Agency of Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) launched an online halal certification service ...

Police deny permit to Lady Gaga concert for cultural reasons

The Jakarta police will not release a permit for Lady Gaga`s concert on June 3 in Jakarta, because they have ...

RI envoy opens halal food confab in Brussels

Indonesian Ambassador to Brussels Arif Havas Oegroseno has opened the 5th International Halal Food Conference at ...

Pakistan tribesmen protest US drone strikes

Hundreds of armed tribesmen on Thursday rallied against US drone attacks in Pakistan`s lawless tribal belt, demanding ...

Pekanbaru officially bans Valentine`s Day celebrations

Pekanbaru city`s administration has officially banned the celebration of Valentine`s Day among school students ...

Indonesian Muslims discouraged from observing Valentine's Day

  Saying that Valentine's Day is not in accordance with Islamic teachings as embodied in  shariah, ...

Aceh ulema warn muslims observing "valentine day" not allowed

Ulema in Aceh have warned Muslims, the younger generation in particular, that observing Valentine`s Day is not allowed ...

Two Indonesian mothers die during delivery every hour

Indonesia`s maternal mortality rate is still high as it is believed that almost every hour two Indonesian women die ...

Europe, US, A`lia support RI as world`s halal center

The leaders of the European Union, US and Australian delegations to an International Seminar on Halal Products here ...

Jakarta to be World`s Halal Food Center

Jakarta will be a center of the world`s halal food as headquarter of the World Halal Food Council (WHFC) will be ...

S Sumatra to build Islamic Center

The South Sumatra provincial administration will build an integrated Islamic Center at Jakabaring, Palembang.The ...

LDII plants 3,000 mangrove trees in SE Sulawesi

The Indonesian Islam Propagation Institute (LDII) has planted at least 3,000 mangrove trees on the Teluk Kendari ...

MUI condemns suicide bombing attack on Solo church

The Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) condemns Sunday`s suicide bombing attack on the GBIS church in Solo, Central ...

Police see link between Solo , Cirebon suicide bombers

Police have linked Ahmad Urip, the perpetrator of Sunday`s suicide bombing attack on a church in Solo, to Mochamad ...

Conflicts in RI caused by economic not religious factors

Religious Affairs Minister Suryadharma Ali said the conflicts that had happened in the country so far were related to ...