#un secretary general ban ki moon

Collection of un secretary general ban ki moon news, found 220 news.

Chavez denounces `new colonialist wars` at UN

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was absent from the UN General Assembly but made his presence felt Tuesday through a ...

Nigeria reiterates support for Palestinian statehood bid

The Nigerian government has reiterated it`s decision to support Palestinian`s bid for UN membership as a sovereign ...

Israeli FM criticizes Palestinian president`s UN speech

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman slammed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas` address to the United Nations ...

Venezuelan president pledges full support for Palestinian statehood

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Tuesday sent a letter to the UN chief, expressing his full support for the ...

Indonesian, Palestinian FM meet over bid for UN membership

Indonesian foreign minister Marty Natalegawa met with his Palestinian counterpart Riad al-Maliki on the sidelines of ...

RI to continue supporting Palestine`s UN membership bid

Indonesia will continue to support Palestine`s bid to become a member of the United Nations and keep monitoring ...

Turkey pm toughens line towards Israel

Turkish prime minister refused to back down in a row with Israel Tuesday, accusing his country`s former allies of ...

UN condemns attack on its headquarters

UN General Assembly President Joseph Deiss Friday condemned in the "strongest terms" the car bomb attack on the UN ...

Turkey, Israel wrangle over Gaza flotilla report

The United Nations on Monday again delayed the release of a report on Israel`s raid on a Turkish-led aid flotilla to ...

Abbas names PNC speaker to form constitution

Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday nominated Salim Za`noon, speaker of the Palestinian ...

Four UN peacekeepers killed by mine in Abyei

A landmine on Tuesday killed four Ethiopian UN peacekeepers and badly wounded seven others on patrol in the disputed ...

Guinea president survives rocket attack

Guinea`s newly installed president survived a rocket attack on his residence that left a guard dead Tuesday and led to ...

UN chief condemns terrorist attacks in Mumbai

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday condemned the terrorist attacks in India`s commercial capital of Mumbai, ...

Israel warns media covering Gaza flotilla

Israel on Sunday warned foreign journalists against sailing on a flotilla trying to reach the besieged Gaza Strip, ...

RI hopes Ban Ki-moon to champion developing countries` interests

Indonesia hopes UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon would keep promoting the interests of developing countries and ...