#un secretary general ban ki moon

Collection of un secretary general ban ki moon news, found 220 news.

Malignant malaria still haunts Indonesia

For many years, malaria has been a frightening specter across the world, especially in countries with vast areas of ...

UN rejects Sri Lanka call to hold back war crimes report

The United Nations insisted Thursday that a report on alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka would be released in full, ...

UN chief urges Cote D`ivore`s Gbagbo to step down

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday urged Cote d`Ivoire`s Laurent Gbagbo to step down. "I renew my call on ...

UN will likely send peacekeeping force to Libya

The UN would likely send a peacekeeping force to Libya if the condition there was considerably conducive, Director of ...

UN chief to attend London meeting on Libya

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will attend a London conference Tuesday to discuss coalition military action against ...

Libyan rebels want quick ceasefire: UN envoy

Libyan insurgents want a quick ceasefire and a lifting of the siege of Libyan cities by Moamer Kadhafi`s forces, a UN ...

Coalition Launches Military Action In Libya

French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday announced the launch of military action in Libya, backed by Western ...

250,000 have fled Libya: UN

More than 250,000 people have now fled Libya into neighbouring countries since the revolt against Moamer Kadhafi ...

US warns against travel to Ivory Coast

The United States urged its citizens against travel to Ivory Coast on Wednesday, amid rising violence in the African ...

UN suspends Libya fom human rights council

The United Nations suspended Libya`s membership in the UN Human Rights Council in an attempt to persuade the country`s ...

President Yudhoyono expects wise settlement of Libyan crisis

On behalf of the Indonesian government, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has expressed hope that the political ...

President Urges Un to Settle Libyan Crisis

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked the United Nations (UN) to settle the crisis in Libya to prevent more ...

UN security council to meet on Libya: Ban

The UN Security Council will meet Tuesday to discuss the crisis in Libya, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, ...

UN chief repeats call for transition in Egypt

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed Thursday that Egyptians must decide their own political future as he ...

President Yudhoyono arrives home

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono arrived home at 3.15 pm after he had conducted a six-day visit to India and ...