State-owned vaccine manufacturer and distributor Bio Farma is introducing and promoting Wonderful Geopark of ...
Indonesia, famous all over the world for its Bali island, is now ready to reveal its other hidden paradises to foreign ...
Well-known for its tropical rain forests with endemic animals and plants, the Arfak mountains in Manokwari, West ...
Cheers and joy were in the air as hundreds of decorated vehicles carrying beautiful ladies and gentlemen wrapped in ...
Woven fabric (called tenun in Bahasa Indonesia), which is unique to Indonesia, needs to follow the path of Batik, ...
Mentawai Islands, a chain of dozens of islands and islets off the western coast of Sumatra, offers some 400 surfing ...
Constant efforts need to be made to preserve the beauty of Indonesias westernmost island of Weh in Sabang District, ...
Travelling to South Korea is considered incomplete without visiting the island, which has become the pride of the ...
The Ministry of Tourism hopes a Papuan traditional house, locally called "kaki seribu" (a thousand legs), will be ...
The March 9 total solar eclipse (TSE) proved to be a blessing for the Sigi District located in Central Sulawesi ...
The Ministry of Tourism is offering 10 prioritized tourism destinations known as the "10 New Balis" to boost the ...
Lake Toba located in North Sumatra Province is not just an ordinary lake but is the largest volcanic lake on Earth. ...
"It must be somewhere around here. Give me some time (to find it)...," Tuti Wirjadigjaja, a 59-year-old housewife, ...
Indonesian tourisms popularity is expected to rise following the recognition given by two world reputed media firms, ...
Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said he was proud of Bali for being selected as one of the worlds best islands by the US ...