#united nations security council

Collection of united nations security council news, found 263 news.

Indonesia Should Appeal To UN Over Israeli Aggression Against Aqsa

Israeli police clashed with Palestinians last week at the entrance to al-Aqsa Mosque, Islams third most sacred place, ...

Qatar condemns random bombardment of Gaza

Qatar condemned the "indiscriminate bombing pursued by Israel in its aggression on the Gaza Strip" which "affected ...

Indonesia demands trial of party responsible for MH17 tragedy

Indonesia demands trial of the party responsible for the Malaysian Airlines MH17 flight downed in eastern Ukraine on ...

Calls for earnest prayers for Palestine

Indonesian Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) have called on the ...

PBNU strongly condemns violence in Gaza

Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulema Executive Board (PBNU), Slamet Effendy Yusuf, strongly condemned the inhuman attack by ...

Indonesia respects Ukraine`s sovereignty concerning Crimea issue

Indonesia is a friend to both Russia and Ukraine, but, above all, it always upholds its 1945 Constitution that ...

Russia appreciates Iindonesian`s stance amid Ukraine crisis

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Mikhail Galuzin has appreciated the statement by Indonesias Foreign Affairs Minister ...

Eleven Indonesians removed from Ukraine to Romania

Indonesia has moved 11 of its citizens from Ukraine to Romania in the wake of worsening security situation in the ...

Iran to offer 3-stage proposal in Geneva nuclear talks

Iran will put forward a three-stage proposal in the upcoming Geneva nuclear talks with the world powers, semi-official ...

Indonesia`s stance on Egypt`s crisis matches its constitution

The Indonesian government`s stance on the Egyptian crisis, calling on international communities to assist with ...

Obama doesn`t need Congress to intervene in Syria

US President Barack Obama has the authority to launch air strikes against Syria. But he has to notify lawmakers in ...

Yudhoyono hopes Geneva conference to end Syria conflict

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono expressed his hope that the Geneva Conference, which will be participated in by ...

Indonesia asks UNSC resolve Syrian crisis

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked the permanent member states of the United Nations Security ...

Nuclear test is people's demand says North Korea

North Korea Saturday renewed its threat to carry out a third nuclear test in the latest in a series of bellicose ...

Indonesia, Argentina agree to mutually help at multilateral forums

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said on Thursday Indonesia and Argentina have agreed to support each other at ...