#us china trade war

Collection of us china trade war news, found 107 news.

News Focus

Indonesia to tap domestic market, investment to tackle COVID-19 impact

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak hitting China, the world’s second-largest economy, since January-end 2020 has ...

News Focus

Indonesia diverts attention to domestic tourists over coronavirus

Several tourist resorts and parks in the Lagoi integrated and exclusive tourist area on Bintan Island, Riau Islands ...

Government plans to offer discounted fares for domestic flights

The government has continued to take precautionary measures against the impacts of the coronavirus on the national ...

News Focus

Coronavirus outbreak disrupts tourist boom from China

Chinese tourists had been a very lucrative segment for Indonesia over the last several years, as their numbers tended ...

Coronavirus outbreak triggers pessimism in global economy: Minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati pointed to pessimism being brought on in the economy worldwide, especially in ...

People's purchasing power must be maintained amid US-Iran conflict

The Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef) believed that people's purchasing power must be ...

Indonesians in Iran, Iraq advised to maintain vigil amid tension

Indonesia’s foreign affairs ministry urged Indonesians in Iraq and Iran to remain vigilant and follow the local ...

Rupiah projected to appreciate before year-end holidays

The rupiah exchange rate traded among banks in Jakarta on Friday morning is forecast to continue to strengthen before ...

Customs increase supervision over imported goods onslaught: Minister

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati urged customs authorities to heighten supervision on the onslaught of illegal ...

Indonesia's economic growth projected at 5.14 percent in 2020

Chief economist of state lender Bank Mandiri Andry Asmoro has estimated the national economy to grow by 5.14 percent in ...

Indonesia's economy estimated to grow five percent in 2019: economist

Chief economist of state lender Bank Mandiri Andry Asmoro has projected the national economy to grow five percent ...

Indonesia's economy still heavy in 2020: Deputy minister

Indonesia's economy will find it hard to grow in 2020 because it cannot remain separate from the effects of the ...

Rupiah strengthens amid rekindling of US-China trade war

The exchange rate of the rupiah, circulated between banks in Jakarta on Thursday afternoon strengthened amidst the ...

News Focus

@jokowi tweets yet to comprehensively capture his foreign policy

Twitter is a daring and bold new world for foreign policy that most world leaders happily or reluctantly ...

Global crisis weighed heavy on Indonesia's economic growth: BI

The global economic slowdown, fueled by the global crisis, has led to Indonesia's economic growth plunging to 5.02 ...