
Collection of vaccines news, found 2.451 news.

Public can already get Sinopharm as booster vaccines: Kimia Farma

State-owned pharmaceutical firm PT Kimia Farma Tbk notified that the adult populace could receive Sinopharm as a ...

Bogor yet to contemplate on reimposing face-to-face learning

Bogor has yet to plan the continuation of face-to-face learning at schools, as the rate of local COVID-19 transmission ...

Bed occupancy up at West Jakarta COVID referral hospitals

The bed occupancy rate at West Jakarta's COVID-19 referral hospitals has increased in recent days, officials ...

BNPB distributing 1.5 million masks at 135 sites in Jakarta

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has dispatched a team to distribute 1.5 million masks at 135 locations ...

Do not underestimate COVID-19 vaccines' efficacy: KSP

Main expert of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Brian Sri Prahastuti reminded the community to not underestimate the ...

Consistent implementation of PPKM effective in curbing COVID-19 cases

The transmission of COVID-19 in Indonesia can be curbed if the community stays consistent in complying with the public ...

Low total fertility rate suppresses baby boom during pandemic

A decline in the national Total Fertility Rate has suppressed the baby boom during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to ...

Jakarta readies six isolation centers with 921 beds

The Jakarta provincial government has readied six controlled isolation centers, with a total capacity of 921 beds, for ...

COVID-19: 6.3 million Indonesians receive booster shots

More than 6.3 million Indonesian adults have received COVID-19 vaccine boosters, accounting for 3.5 percent of the ...

Hope to start indigenous vaccine production in Aug: Biotis, Unair

University of Airlangga and PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia are hoping to start production of Indonesia's first ...

Aim to produce 240 mln Merah Putih doses per year: Biotis

PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia, which is producing the Merah Putih (Red-and-White) COVID-19 vaccine in ...

Festival Sinema Australia Indonesia to go virtual this year

Festival Sinema Australia Indonesia (FSAI) will return to Indonesia in a virtual format to bring the best of Australian ...

Extraordinary measures prudently taken to handle pandemic: President

The government’s measures were taken with great prudence and meticulous contemplation to tackle the COVID-19 ...

Jokowi accentuates G20's role in building world health architecture

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) drew attention to the crucial role of the G20 multilateral forum in building ...

Tightening of PPKM is unrelated to religious day dates: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) clarified that the tightening of public activities restrictions (PPKM) was not ...