
Collection of vaccines news, found 2.452 news.

Indonesia receives five million Sinovac vaccine in finished form

Finance Ministry’s Secretary-General Heru Pambudi received five million vaccine doses manufactured by ...

APEC's action plan prioritizes strengthening immunization programs

APEC member economies have developed a comprehensive 10-year strategy to support the region's routine vaccination ...

Minister targets vaccinating 80 percent tourism players by 2021-end

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno has targeted to vaccinate 80 percent of the 34 million ...

Reviewing the president's COVID-19 policies in a constitutional way

The constitution is the supreme norm of Indonesia's political and legal systems, necessitating every government ...

Govt intensifies vaccination to achieve herd immunity: SOE minister

State-owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir asserted that the government would continue to intensify COVID-19 ...

COVID-19: Pfizer vaccine distribution starts in Jabodetabek area

Pfizer vaccines under the COMIRNATY brand that recently arrived in Indonesia are being distributed in the metropolitan ...

Avoid being picky about brands and get inoculated soon: Expert

Immunization expert, Dr. Elizabeth Jane Soepardi, MPH DSc, urged people to not be picky in selecting vaccine brands and ...

News Focus

Govt taking care of Indonesian children orphaned by COVID-19

Gahazy Pranatayudha, 12 years-old boy living in Pemalang, Central Java, suddenly became an orphan as he lost both of ...

9,000 Yogyakarta students vaccinated against COVID-19: task force

Since the middle of July this year, nine thousand of the 24 thousand students in Yogyakarta have been vaccinated ...

Bio Farma distributes 15 million doses of Sinovac vaccine

State-run pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma (Persero) has said it is in the process of distributing 15 million ...

Indonesia receives 7.5 million vaccine doses from multiple producers

Indonesia received an additional 7.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses from multiple manufacturers through bilateral ...

Setiabudi Health Center offers Moderna vaccine for public

The Setiabudi Subdistrict Health Center in South Jakarta will commence offering the Moderna vaccine to people from ...

Pregnant women in West Sumatra's Tanah Datar to get vaccinated

The Tanah Datar District Government in West Sumatra Province shas launched a COVID-19 vaccination program for ...

Health Ministry urges ten provinces to increase COVID-19 testing

Spokesperson for the COVID-19 vaccination program of the Health Ministry, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, has urged ten Indonesian ...

People aged above 12 can take Pfizer jab: spokesperson

The Pfizer vaccine can be used for citizens aged above 12 in the country, spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, ...