#vegetable oil

Collection of vegetable oil news, found 114 news.

Export improves balance of trade: Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia (BI) has estimated that an increase in export activity, in line with global economic recovery, can help ...

Deficit makes it difficult for rupiah to appreciate: BI governor

Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said the current account deficit in April had caused fluctuations in the ...

RI`s Exports Down 5.92 Percent to $14 Billion in April

Indonesias exports in April fell 5.92 percent to US$14.29 billion from US$15.19 billion in March, due to a slump in ...

Indonesia-US trade up 7.6 percent in 2013

The trade between Indonesia and the US reached US$28 billion in 2013, up 7.6 percent from the previous year, with ...

Indonesia hopes for world palm oil price rise in 2014

The Indonesia Palm Oil Association hopes the world palm oil price will rise in the first quarter of this year, stated ...

Indonesia dominates world`s palm oil market

Growing demand for Indonesias palm oil and its domination of the world market was an attracting topic in a ...

Kadin: Lack of confidence triggers economic crisis

Lack of confidence of business players and investors in the government policy was behind the crisis in the exchange ...

Bazaar visitors prefer New Zealand beef

Consumers visiting a bazaar held at the Trade Ministry in the current fasting month here prefer beef imported from New ...

Indonesia wishes to become strong industrial country

Indonesia is hoping to become a strong industrial country by focusing on developing oleo-chemical or vegetable oil and ...

Exports in 2012 down, imports up : BPS

Indonesia`s exports dropped 6.61 percent to US$190.04 billion in 2012 from US$203.5 billion in the year before, ...

Indonesian govt urged to protect local wheat flour producers

The Indonesian Wheat Flour Producers Assocation (Aptindo) has asked the government to protect local producers from ...

Indonesia trying to rebuild normal trade ties with European Union

Indonesia whose trade with the European Union is expected to touch about one percent this year as a result of the ...

U.S. denies CPO rejection linked to rivalry

The U.S. government has denied claims that its rejection of Indonesian palm oil is intended to protect its own ...

RI files official response to EPA over oil palm ruling

Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan said he has officially responded to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)`s ...

RI`s March 2012 exports grow 10 pct

Indonesia`s exports in March reached US$17.27 billion, a 10.01 percent increase compared to US$15.69 billion in ...