#vice presidential palace

Collection of vice presidential palace news, found 162 news.

President asks Siti Nurbaya about licensing of natural resources

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked Siti Nurbaya about the licensing of natural resource development in ...

Cabinet lineup to be announced at state palace: VP

The announcement of Indonesian new government's cabinet lineup will take place at the State Palace, according to Vice ...

VP ask Netherlands to resolve palm oil export problems

Indonesian Vice President Boediono has urged Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte to resolve obstacles in Indonesias ...

Indonesia as the Hub of Excellence for Biological Products for Islamic Countries

The 4th Conference of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Ministers of Health and the Organization of ...

Benchmark price of subsidized houses not yet final

The Public Housing Ministry stated that the benchmark price of subsidized houses after the recent fuel price hike has ...

VP opens young enterpreneurs` meeting

Vice President Boediono is scheduled to open the 15th National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs ...

Floods damage 100km of roads in greater Jakarta

The recent floods in Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) have caused damage to some 100 kilometres of roads in the region, ...

Ratifying Nagoya Protocol key to curbing genetic biopiracy

Despite being one of the world`s most bio-diverse nations, Indonesia has yet to receive compensation for the ...

Indonesia to ratify Nagoya Protocol

Vice President Boediono said Indonesia will ratify the Nagoya Protocol on access to genetic resources and fair and ...

Govt to use military aircraft to carry logistics to Papua

The government will deploy military and police aircraft to transport logistics to Papua since Susi Air and Trigana Air ...

RI, China to cooperate to improve agricultural productivity

Indonesia and China have a similar interest in cooperating to increase agricultural productivity to improve their food ...

Protest against fuel oil price hike called `natural'

Protest rallies against the government policy to raise subsidized fuel oil prices are natural occurrences, ...

Boediono not to run for president in 2014: Spokesman

Vice President Boediono will not run for president in 2014, his spokesman, Yopie Hidayat, said here on Friday. ...

VP Boediono opens Indonesian Wayang Week, Congress

Vice President Boediono opened an Indonesia Wayang (traditional Javanese puppet) Week 2011 and the 8th National ...

VP optimistic Japan`s economy to recover

Vice President Boediono has expressed optimism that Japan`s economy will recover from the impacts of the tsunami and ...