
Collection of volunteers news, found 1.218 news.

Jokowi calls on his campaign teams to go door to door

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), as the incumbent candidate for the presidential election next year again, has called ...

Jokowi calls on volunteers to conduct door-to-door campaigning

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), as the incumbent candidate for the presidential election, called on volunteers here on ...

Informatic ministry conducts training of "UMKM" entrepreneurs of Cirebon

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) conducts training and facilitates and simulates online ...

News focus - Spirit of solidarity visible among 212 reunion rally participants by Rahmad Nasution

The spirit of nationhood and solidarity was obvious, ahead of the convening of the 212 reunion rally at the National ...

Zon lauds support of NU founders` descendants for Subianto

Fadli Zon, deputy chairman of Gerindra Party`s Executive Board, has lauded the support expressed by several ...

Subianto lets volunteers raise funds for his presidential bid

Prabowo Subianto has permitted his supporters to raise funds to help him in presidential bid in the election next ...

Indonesian police chief maintains neutrality in elections: spokesman

The Indonesian National Police and Police Chief General Tito Karnavian maintain their neutrality in the 2019 ...

Jokowi confirms South Sumatra regional campaign team

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as an incumbent presidential candidate for the election next year confirmed the ...

Jokowi attends working meeting of regional campaign team in Lampung

Incumbent presidential candidate Joko Widodo (Jokowi) attended a working meeting of his Regional Campaign Team, here, ...

News Featue - Preserving Indonesia`s sea turtles by Rahmad Nasution

Indonesia is an archipelagic nation that is blessed by the Almighty God with an array of flora and fauna, several of ...

Conservationist reveals 17 sea turtle nests spotted at Trisik Beach

The number of sea turtles reaching Trisik Beach, Kulon Progo District, in Yogyakarta Province has increased ...

Basarnas continues search, evacuation operations

The National Search and Rescue (SAR) Agency (Basarnas) has extended its operations to search and evacuate the victims ...

Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin pair able to create food self-sufficiency: volunteers

Volunteers of the Supporters House for Banten of Kiai Ma'ruf Amin (KMA), running mate of presidential candidate ...

Basarnas collects 65 bags of bodies of ill-fated plane passengers

The Chief of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), M Syaugi, said here on Thursday that a total of 65 bags ...

News focus - Saving Indonesian hospital in Gaza by rahmad nasution

The Indonesian Hospital in Gaza Strip is an evidence of Indonesia`s staunch support for the Palestinians` unfinished ...