
Collection of volunteers news, found 1.219 news.

BBC man among 21 killed in Afghan attacks

Taliban bomb and gun attacks on an official`s compound and a militia base in the southern Afghan province of Uruzgan ...

(ISC)2 Recognizes Pioneering Cyber Security Workforce Initiatives


Mt Lokon refugees return to respective homes

Some 5,437 evacuees of Mount Lokon began to return to their homes in five villages, Tomohon District, North Sulawesi ...

Indonesia gearing up to host SEA Games

Indonesia is making preparations to host the 26th Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) where 10 countries from the region ...

SEA Games Committee Needs 3,000 More Volunteers

Indonesia SEA Games XXVI Organizing Committee (Inasoc) still needed some 3,000 volunteers after it only netted some ...

Inviragen Initiates Phase 1 Study of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine in Singapore

-         Inviragen announced today the initiation of the first clinical trial of ...

Police on alert as Israel marks Jerusalem day

More than 3,000 police were deployed in and around the Holy City on Wednesday as Israelis marked Jerusalem Day to ...

RI`s musicians, Aceh Tsunami survivors to join ASEAN caravan to Japan

The ASEAN Caravan of Goodwill volunteers including Indonesian musicians and survivors of the 2004 Aceh tsunami, are ...

RI`s musicians, Aceh tsunami survivors in ASEAN Caravan to Japan

The ASEAN Caravan of Goodwill volunteers including Indonesian musicians and survivors of the 2004 Aceh tsunami, are ...

Landslide isolates 600 families in Trenggalek

A landslide isolated around 600 families at Mojo and Salam areas, Nglebo village, Suruh sub district, Trenggalek ...

Unep: loss of natural habitats threatens migratory birds

The annual migration of an estimated 50 billion birds representing around 19 per cent of the world`s 10,000 bird ...

Red cross distributes 400 blankets to flood victims

The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) has distributed at lest 400 blankets and 80 packages of hygiene kits to victims of ...

New strikes as Libya vows to leave Misrata to tribes

NATO launched fresh air raids on the Libyan capital Saturday as Moamer Kadhafi`s government said it was ready to ...

Flash flood hits Telago, Jambi

A flash flood that came from the Pancaro hills hit Telago village, Keliling Danau sub district, Kerinci district, ...

RI hospital to be built in Gaza soon

An Indonesian hospital is going to be built in Gaza, Palestine, soon now that its sponsors have gone through various ...