
Collection of washington news, found 1.815 news.

Palestinians to turn to U.N. over Israel settlement drive

The Palestinians said Thursday they would appeal to the United Nations after Israel announced plans for 1,500 new ...

US slams Syrian elections as `a disgrace`

The United States on Tuesday denounced Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assads attempt to shore up his authority by staging ...

Indonesia-U.S to improve cooperation on mixed marriage children protection

Indonesia and the United States agreed to improve cooperation in providing protection for children from mixed marriage ...

japan says Chinese ships in disputed waters

Two Chinese coastguard ships sailed into disputed waters off Japan-administered islands in the East China Sea ...

Wibisono to report objectively on human rights situation in Palestine

Working on human rights issues is not new for Indonesian senior diplomat Dr Makarim Wibisono recently elected by UN ...

Coral reefs provide protection from storms, rising seas: study

Coral reefs may offer a comparable but "significantly cheaper" alternative to artificial coastal defenses to protect ...

HRW denounces "pattern of serious abuses" in Venezuela

Venezuelas security forces have engaged in a "pattern of serious abuses" against anti-government protesters, including ...

Putin says sanctions could hurt western energy firms in Russia

President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday warned that new EU and US sanctions could impact the work of Western energy firms ...

US Faith Groups Unite to Call for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Stressing Devastating Humanitarian Impact

AsiaNet 56598WASHINGTON DC and TOKYO, Apr. 25 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --On April 24, 2014, Buddhist association Soka Gakkai ...

Fluke Biomedical Launches Portable, Specialized Infusion Device Analyzer

- Fluke Biomedical announced yet another addition to its Infusion Device Analyzer portfolio, the IDA-1S Infusion Device ...

"Deadly shootout" in east Ukraine shatters easter truce

Four people were reported killed Sunday in a gun battle in restive eastern Ukraine, shattering a fragile Easter truce ...

Indonesia determined to emerge as new Asian tiger

Indonesia is now putting in place industrial development programs across the country in an effort to create a new ...

US sanctions seven individuals, gas company over Ukraine crisis

US Treasury Department on Friday imposed sanctions on six Crimean officials, a former Ukrainian official and a gas ...

Media Teleconference: ATFA'S Leadership Denounces Argentine Money Laundering In Nevada

- On Thursday April 10, American Task Force Argentina will hold a press teleconference. The purpose of this call is to ...

Indonesian Air Force One to arrive Thursday

New presidential aircraft Boeing Business Jet 2 (BBJ2) for the activities of Indonesian president is expected to ...