
Collection of wrong news, found 753 news.

Jackie Chan upcoming film will be last big action movie

Kung Fu superstar Jackie Chan said that while the upcoming film Chinese Zodiac 2012 will be his last major action ...

Muhammadiyah not anti-pluralism: Syafii Maarif

Former chairman of Muhammadiyah Syafii Maarif called on the younger generation among members of the Islamic ...

Media leaders seek direct clarification from Dahlan

A number of mass media leaders met with state enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan to seek clarification directly from ...

Sex education requires creative teachers

The Education and Culture Ministry`s curriculum and books content head, Diah Harianti, has stated that teachers need ...

Govt to settle Walt Disney case legally

The government will take a legal action unless the Walt Disney Company would settle its boycott on paper products from ...

Tokyo governor steps down to found new party

Beijing-baiting Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara said he was stepping down Thursday to start a new national political ...

Food shortage problem not solved yet

Food shortage has been one of the main problems facing the global community, which has not been solved yet because of ...

Superhawk 200 jets grounded: air force

The Indonesian Air Force Chief of Staff, Imam Sufaat, has stated that the Air Force will stop using its Superhawk 200 ...

In Its 150th Year, Bacardi Celebrates Success, Resilience And Growth

- In its 150th anniversary yearlong celebration, Bacardi celebrates its tremendous success as the world's largest ...

Islamic Boarding Schools not shaping radicals

Coordinating minister for people`s welfare Agung Laksono has refuted the allegation that Islamic Boarding Schools or ...

Education system should not be blamed for student brawls

Student violence has become a serious problem in Jakarta in recent days, particularly because of the use of sharp ...

Bank Indonesia sets no target for rupiah value

Bank Indonesia said it sets no target for the value of the country`s currency rupiah against the US dollar, but would ...

Rohingya issue not specially discussed at AIPA meeting

ASEAN parliamentary delegations did not specially discuss the Rohingya in their 33rd ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary ...

KPK fails to question officers due to name problems

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) failed to question four police officers because the names of the officers ...

Savior of rape attempt victim receives rewards

An army sergeant who helped save a woman from being raped at a public transport in Jakarta last week was given rewards ...