
Collection of wrong news, found 753 news.

Merrill Lynch case could cause investment uncertainty

Merrill Lynch Indonesia lawyer Frans H. Winarta said legal case against his client could dampen foreign investors` ...

UI sets up Abdurrahman Wahid Center

University of Indonesia (UI) has set up Abdurrahman Wahid Center (AWC) to serve as a forum to discuss issues related ...

Study shows Bangka Belitung possible for nuclear power plant location

Results of a pre-feasibility study of Bangka Belitung province have shown that the region is feasible for a nuclear ...

Fossils in Trinil museum yet to be studied

Hundreds of animal and plant fossils collected by Trinil Museum located in Pilang sub village, Kawu village, ...

EF Englishtown Ranks #1 for Learning English for the Third Consecutive Year

- EF Englishtown is the world's best website for learning English, according to TopTenReviews, one of the world's ...

Yudhoyono denies trilateral military cooperation

There is little possibility of a trilateral military pact among Indonesia, Australia, and the United States, according ...

Indonesian govt urged to tighten gun control to curb armed-related violence

Armed robberies and shooting incidents have been reported in Jakarta and other provinces, particularly in Papua and ...

John Mayer says he was humiliated by swift song

Singer John Mayer is not mentioned by name, but he said he was "really humiliated" by the song "Dear John," written ...

Thunder will fall on Israel if it attacks: Iran

Any attack by Israel on Iran will blow back on the Jewish state "like thunder," Iran`s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali ...

Kalla says plan to unify time zone wrong

Former vice president M Jusuf Kalla believes that the plan to merge Indonesia`s three existing time zones into a ...

Bali tourism not fully benefiting locals

Tourism development in Bali, Indonesia`s primary tourism province which contributes some 30 percent to the country`s ...

Dahlan Iskan denies rumours of his resignation

Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Dahlan Iskan denied the rumours regarding his resignation from the ...

Forestry ministry denies app cuts ramin trees

The director general of forest and nature conservation, Darori, denied there had been ramin tree felling by Asia Pulp ...

Industries complain of gas supply, planned price increase

Industries have so far complained of a gas supply shortage at their factories, and now they are complaining about the ...

Iran hopes new French president reconsiders past policies: spokesman

Iran`s Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast expressed hope that the new French President- elect Francois ...