
Collection of xinhua news, found 1.861 news.

Hainan to offer visa-free access to tourists from 59 countries

-China will offer greater visa-free access for tourists from 59 countries to Hainan from May 1, in a move to support ...

Li Jinyuan: "The world focus on China now. TIENS is in!"

-China's signature international economic meeting, The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 officially ended by ...

ASEAN must remain neutral in US-China trade war: Expert

ASEAN must remain neutral in the United States-China trade war in an effort to maintain peace and stability in the ...

AS rilis daftar produk China objek tarif 25 persen

Kadin Amerika Serikat (USTR), Selasa waktu setempat, menerbitkan daftar produk China yang dikenai bea masuk tambahan ...

Laporan: Perang dagang akan bahayakan bisnis Amerika Serikat

Karena kepentingan bisnis AS di Tiongkok jauh lebih besar daripada apa yang ditunjukkan oleh data perdagangan, perang ...

The 7th Nanyang Cultural Festival 2018 attracts 200 overseas Chinese nationals to Wenchang, Hainan

-On April 1, the 7th Nanyang Cultural Festival 2018 kicked off in Wenchang, Hainan Province, China. A total of about ...

Harga emas turun setelah empat hari berturut-turut menguat

Harga emas berjangka di divisi COMEX New York Mercantile Exchange turun pada akhir perdagangan Selasa (Rabu pagi WIB), ...

ADB biayai investasi geothermal 175,3 juta dolar AS di Indonesia

Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB) menandatangani perjanjian pinjaman sekitar 175,3 juta dolar AS pada Senin dengan PT ...

88-year-old woman conferred doctorate in Japan

- An 88-year-old woman was conferred doctorate on Saturday at a university in Kyoto, making her the oldest person in ...

EIA: AS jadi eksportir netto gas alam pada 2017

Badan Informasi Energi AS (EIA) mengatakan pada Senin (19/3) bahwa Amerika Serikat telah mengekspor lebih banyak gas ...

Ketidakpastian politik tekan Wall Street

Saham-saham di Wall Street berakhir lebih rendah pada perdagangan Senin (Selasa pagi WIB), karena para investor terus ...

Global warming increases risk of avalanches: Study

Rising global temperatures are altering the triggering of avalanches, leading to disasters and serious consequences in ...

Dongfeng Race Team won the Grand Champion of the in-port race in Auckland

- Six race teams are currently docked in Auckland. The Team of China -- Dongfeng Race Team won the Grand ...

Discrimination against women affects public health

Dscrimination against women in various fields has an effect on public health, and therefore, the government of ...

The Sanya Chinese new year photo exhibition held at Los Angeles, California

- As the Chinese New Year celebration grows in popularity every year, having a greater influence overseas and more ...