#you bank

Collection of you bank news, found 8.530 news.

Investment app, digital bank team up for financial planning program

An Indonesian investment application has partnered up with a digital bank to provide an interconnected financial ...

Govt grants business permits to one thousand noodle, meatball traders

The Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Ministry granted business permits to one thousand noodle and ...

BNN works with PT BTN to eradicate drug trafficking, money laundering

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) cooperated with state-owned bank PT Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) to eradicate drug ...

Halal tourism-related policies prioritize broadening services: govt

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno emphasized that his administration's policies pertaining to ...

BI pushing investment outside Java to reduce growth disparities

Bank Indonesia (BI) is encouraging investors to expand sustainable investments to regions outside Java Island, ...

BPJS Kesehatan carries out trial on new payment scheme in Serang

The state-run Healthcare and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan) and the Indonesian Health Ministry has piloted a ...

South Sulawesi: BI helps resident exchange money damaged in fire

Bank Indonesia (BI) has helped.a resident of Gowa District, South Sulawesi Province, exchange currency notes ...

Indonesia viewed in positive light by global community: Minister

The global community had begun viewing Indonesia in a positive light owing to its achievements in terms of the national ...

Need more efforts to make co-operatives economic foundation: minister

Efforts must be intensified to achieve the goal of making co-operatives the nation's economic foundation and the ...

Gov't distributing social aid via many channels: minister

Social assistance, especially direct cash assistance (BLT) for the poor, is not being solely distributed by the Social ...

Indonesia, US seek to advance energy transition partnership

Climate Counselor to the Secretary of the US Treasury John Morton  and US Deputy Special Envoy for Climate  ...

News Focus

Indonesia strives to expand coverage of digitalization of MSMEs

Indonesia has over 65 million micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) capable of producing competitive products, ...

Government finalizes wage subsidy recipients' data for 2nd disbursal

The government is finalizing the data of wage subsidy assistance (BSU) recipients for the second disbursal phase by ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 IWG draws blueprints for Infratech financing, QII indicators

The G20 Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) has achieved deliverables in the form of blueprints for increasing Infratech ...

Government distributes first-phase wage subsidy to 4.1 million workers

Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah stated that the government had disbursed the first phase of wage subsidy assistance ...