In a statement received here on Wednesday, investment app Bibit and digital bank Bank Jago urged Indonesians to carry out financial planning in an easy, practical, and seamless way with the scheme.
“Bibit and Bank Jago are committed to continuing to increase people’s enthusiasm in investing. One of them is through the ‘Routine Saving Challenge,’” the two companies said in a joint statement.
William, Bibit’s PR and corporate communication lead, said that the company recognizes that consistency is still a challenge for people when it comes to investing. Often people seek to invest for a certain period of time, he added.
“We are organizing the ‘Nabung Rutin Challenge’ to motivate our users to be disciplined in reaching their own financial goals. We are not imposing any quota on the challenge and the progress can be surveilled through the Bibit application and can be restarted should users fail in their attempts along the way,” he said.
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Meanwhile, head of sustainability at Bank Jago, Andy Djiwandono, said that as a life-centric finance solution provider, his company is striving to understand people’s finance needs, including the challenges that may come along the way.
“One of the challenges is that a lot of people want to divide their money in a safe and easy manner in order to allocate it for different needs. However, the reality is not always as simple as it seems. For that reason, we are bringing innovative features into our Jago app,” he added.
He further explained that the ‘Nabung Rutin Challenge’ aims to help users become savvier in investing, thereby making it easier for them to do it more consistently.
The program itself has been derived from the auto-debit ‘Nabung Rutin’ program created by the two companies, which aims to make it easier for users to invest in mutual funds consistently, in accordance with their preferences.
In the future, Bibit and Bank Jago will seek to put forward innovations and interesting features that can enhance user experience in saving, investing, and managing their finances.
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Reporter: Aria Cindyara
Editor: Suharto
Copyright © ANTARA 2022