Pekanbaru, Riau (ANTARA News) - Coffee instigators consisting of baristas and coffee shop employers in Riaus city of Pekanbaru have distributed 1,000 cups of free coffee to public in commemorating the International Coffee Day.

"This is the first activity carried out in Pekanbaru in welcoming the International Coffee Day on October 1," chairman of organizing committee of the event Cahya said here on Sunday.

Cahya further stated that the first ever coffee serving activity in this city will make the public know better about the way in serving coffee and enjoying it.

In addition, the number of coffee shops or hanging out locations for drinking coffee in Pekanbaru lately increasing significantly.

According to him, in September 2016, at least 60 hanging out locations for drinking coffee are available in Pekanbaru.

To that end, it is important to conduct the coffee serving activities in order to improve communications among baristas and coffee shop employers in a bid to know the number of baristas and coffee shops particularly in Pekanbaru, Cahya added.

The Sumatran coffees are renown for providing a rich, satisfying flavor. (*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
Copyright © ANTARA 2016