Bogor, W Java (ANTARA News) - Afghanistan`s First Lady Rula Ghani has praised the exchange of ulemas carried out by the two countries so far, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said here on Tuesday.

"In Afghanistan, we have an Indonesian Islamic Center and a mosque has already been built there," Marsudi said, after accompanying President Joko Widodo to receive Ghani, at the Presidential Palace in connection with the two countries` cooperation.

She stated that the two countries have already carried out the exchange for a long time.

Indonesia`s Islamic organization, Nahdlatul Ulama, has already set up a branch in that country.

"Therefore, a lot has been done, including the exchange of message between Indonesian and Afghan ulemas, with an aim of spreading tolerance and peace," she remarked.

She noted that Indonesia was currently building a health clinic in Afghanistan.

Ghani has been in Indonesia since Monday for a two-day visit to attend a symposium on women`s empowerment.

At the meeting with Widodo, Ghani praised the Indonesian women for the roles they have played.

Reported by Bayu Prasetyo

Reporter: antara
Editor: Heru Purwanto
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