Semarang (ANTARA) - Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Minister Bintang Puspayoga on Tuesday officiated Pelita House, a center that adopts integrated efforts to address stunting in children under the age of two, in Semarang City.

In the Central Java's capital city, she commended the Semarang Government's initiative to address the stunting issue.

"In addressing one issue, if there is collaboration in an integrated manner, then the results will turn out (the best)," she stated.

She expected that this innovative measure could be emulated in other regions.

The minister is optimistic that the national target of reducing stunting prevalence to 14 percent by 2024 could be achieved.

Puspayoga believes that such a target could be achieved when everyone works hand-in-hand.

"Not only the government but also business players and everyone, in general," she noted.

The minister believes that collaboration between the central and regional governments was also crucial in order to realize a lower percentage of stunting.

On Saturday, February 18, Acting Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu reviewed the Pelita House, saying it could be the first one of its kind in Indonesia.

"This could be the pilot project, the first in Indonesia, because it is integrated, as the fulfillment of nutritional needs and child care patterns complement each other. Everything has been arranged, and everything has its standard operating procedure," Rahayu noted.

She said that Pelita House currently has two caretakers, each will tend to a maximum of five children.

There are also chefs and nutritionists from the local health service, pediatricians, psychologists, midwives, as well as therapists, she added.

The Pelita House has some facilities, including a playing ground and beds, and medical records of all children, she noted.

The medical records serve as means to provide additional assistance if a situation were to ever arise when information about the children would be required, Rahayu added.

Related news: Stunting, poverty reduction govt's focus in short term: minister
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Translator: Immanuel Citra S, Mecca Yumna
Editor: Anton Santoso
Copyright © ANTARA 2023