"The groundbreaking shows investors' and government institutions' commitment to build the city," he remarked on Tuesday.
This week, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is scheduled to carry out the fourth batch of infrastructure projects' groundbreaking at IKN, Dwipayana revealed.
He noted that the government continues to build supporting infrastructure in IKN, such as airports, the Balikpapan-IKN toll road, dams, health facilities, housing, and schools, to realize a livable place when the government starts moving state civil servants to the country's new capital.
"When people start moving to IKN, we ensure that the supporting ecosystem is already available," he stated.
Apart from supporting infrastructure, he noted that the government is continuing the infrastructure work of the Central Government Core Area (KIPP).
"Apart from an office for the president and vice president, we also prepare the supporting infrastructure. Both are very important," he remarked.
The infrastructure project groundbreaking at IKN in January 2024 marks as the fourth stage. Earlier, the president officiated several projects' groundbreaking in December 2023.
OIKN's Deputy for Investment and Financing, Agung Wicaksono, stated that the fourth batch of groundbreaking will involve state institutions, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and private sectors.
President Jokowi always attended the three batches of infrastructure projects' groundbreaking at IKN.
According to data from the IKN Authority (OIKN), the realization of investment commitments reached approximately Rp41.4 trillion during the three series of groundbreakings at IKN.
The Indonesian government conducts the construction of IKN for a long-term period until completion in 2045. The government is also targeting to hold the first Indonesian Independence Day ceremony at the IKN in August 2024.
Related news: State institutions, BUMN involved in fourth groundbreaking in IKN
Related news: Capital relocation supports Golden Indonesia 2045 Vision: Minister
Translator: Indra Arief P, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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