Subang, West Java (ANTARA) - The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) has started an investigation on a fatal bus crash involving a group of Lingga Kencana Vocational High School students in Palasari Village, Ciater Sub-district, Subang District, West Java.

KNKT Head Soerjanto Tjahjono stated that the committee has formed a team to investigate the cause of the crash that occurred on Saturday (May 11) at 6:45 p.m.

"We are investigating the accident, looking for the technical causes behind this accident to later provide recommendations so that the same accident does not happen again," he said here on Sunday.

According to him, the investigation focuses more on the bus' roadworthiness to prevent technical problems from recurring in the future.

"We will check why this vehicle experienced a brake failure," he remarked.

He noted that the KNKT is currently collecting data and information from witnesses to identify the factors that caused the accident.

"After the data has been collected, we will investigate the problems in the bus. Possibly, the thing to be conveyed is the issue of system improvement as a whole," he said.

At least 11 people were killed and dozens more injured due to the accident.

The bus passengers were pupils and teachers of Lingga Kencana Vocational High School from Depok, West Java, who were on an excursion trip to Subang after their graduation.

Earlier, Head of the National Police (Polri) Traffic Corps Inspector General Aan Suhanan stated that based on the preliminary investigation result, there were no brake traces found in the incident location in Palasari Village.

He suspected that the bus accident was caused by a failure in the brake function of the bus.

According to him, the absence of brake traces from the overturned bus must be investigated further. Apart from brake failure, there is a possibility that the driver panicked when the fatal incident occurred.

"There are no brake traces at all. This means we need to investigate it. Why are there no brake traces, were the brakes not working, or was the driver panicking and so on," he said.

Related news: Bus accident in West Java kills 11, injures dozens
Related news: KNKT calls for better, wiser school trip planning to prevent accidents

Translator: Rubby Jovan, Raka Adji
Editor: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
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