Jakarta (ANTARA) - Israel is taking systematic measures for impeding the delivery of international humanitarian aid, including from Indonesia, to the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi stated.

"Talks on this matter are still on. I believe that Israel has been attempting to obstruct the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza in a systematic manner," she affirmed when met at the Bogor Palace, Bogor City, West Java, on Friday.

Marsudi then underscored that the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had issued an official statement, on Thursday (May 16), expressing Indonesia's concern over Israel's tenacity in disrupting the inflow of humanitarian assistance.

"The most recent event was the looting (of the aid by Israeli civilians) in the presence of Israeli apparatus," she stated.

The minister also reiterated Indonesia's firm condemnation of all acts aimed at hindering the distribution of humanitarian assistance urgently needed by Palestinians in Gaza.

She said Indonesia had pushed for the imposition of sanctions on the looters and stressed the need to take measures for preventing the recurrence of such looting.

"We have urged the UN Security Council to prevent the recurrence of such an event and ensure the unhindered distribution of humanitarian assistance," she pointed out.

Related news: Indonesia strongly condemns Israeli blockade of aid for Gaza

Earlier, the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry condemned in the strongest possible terms the Israeli settlers' acts against the distribution of humanitarian assistance donated by various countries, including Indonesia.

"Indonesia strongly condemns the blockade and ransacking carried out by Israeli civilians on humanitarian assistance from the international community for the people of Gaza," the ministry noted in a statement posted on its social media account on Thursday.

The ministry stated that the Israeli extremists' unimpeded blockade and ransacking of humanitarian aid mirrors Israel's opposition to the delivery of the aid to Gaza Strip.

"This action should be duly prosecuted, and steps must be taken to ensure that it does not happen again," the ministry affirmed.

Related news: Indonesia airdrops aid in Gaza with Jordan's help

Related news: Musicians hold peaceful demonstration demanding end to Gaza genocide

Translator: Mentari D, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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