Jakarta (ANTARA) - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has said that transportation development has expanded in the past 10 years, with the highest increase recorded in sea transportation.

"Over the past 10 years, we've seen a series of transportation development processes, both in urban areas and throughout Indonesia," he said during the Transportation Sector Discussion Forum, which was followed online in Jakarta.

Many airports, train stations, and bus terminals have been renovated, he pointed out.

The significant change in transportation development has also been marked by the mass rapid transit (MRT), high-speed train, and light rail transit (LRT) projects initiated by President Joko Widodo, he added.

"This is pride for the Indonesian nation," he remarked.

In the last decade, several projects have been carried out in the transportation sector, including 85 projects involving ferry port development, 65 projects involving ferry dock construction, 12 new ferry port construction projects, and urban mass transit system projects in six cities.

In the railway sector, 10,709 kilometers of railway lines have been laid, stations have been constructed, and modernization of facilities has been carried out at 58 locations, besides the development of LRT, MRT, Whoosh high-speed trains, Trans Sulawesi trains, and pioneer trains.

In the sea transportation sector, 39 sea toll routes have been built, and 51 projects involving port facilities' construction and rehabilitation have been carried out.

Meanwhile, in the air transportation sector, 41 cargo delivery routes have been developed and 26 new airports have been built.

Sumadi expressed the hope that transportation infrastructure development would continue to be carried out consistently.

"Mr. President always tells me, 'Please, whatever is done must be delivered' (felt by the public)," he said.

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Translator: Aji Cakti, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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