Jakarta (ANTARA) - National Alms Agency (Baznas) Head Noor Achmad underscored the need for the Indonesian Government and House of Representatives (DPR) to take political maneuvers in order to ensure uninterrupted distribution of aid to the Palestinian people.

"We have said earlier that a political push is needed to help (Palestinians) since a political push wields enormous power," he remarked during a meeting with Commission VIII of the DPR at the Parliamentary Complex, Jakarta, on Monday.

Achmad drew attention to disruptions in the distribution of humanitarian aid provided by countries worldwide, including Indonesia, which had resulted in the aid building up in areas bordering Palestine.

"Around two thousand trucks transporting aid have been stuck at borders. Some highly valuable aid, such as medical equipment, had yet to enter (Palestine)," he pointed out while adding that the Israeli occupation forces were responsible for the interruptions.

Related news: Israel systematically blocking inflow of aid to Gaza: FM Marsudi

He then noted that the alms agency had been witnessing the high level of enthusiasm among Indonesian people to give donations to assist Palestinians in need.

"The people have stated their opposition to our plan of stopping aid collection. In fact, someone called me last night offering Baznas to collaborate to do a fundraising activity at the National Monument," he remarked.

Achmad then emphasized that Baznas has been working not in battlefields, but rather, striving to assist those in need through humanitarian acts.

He stated that the agency had been implementing a program called "Membasuh Luka Palestina" (Mending Palestine's Wounds), which reflects the Indonesian government and people's genuine care for the well-being of oppressed Palestinians.

As of May 21, 2024, the total value of Indonesia's aid to Palestine had reached Rp252,418,621,733 (US$15.7 million).

Related news: Indonesia strongly condemns Israeli blockade of aid for Gaza

Translator: Tri Meilani, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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