Jakarta (ANTARA) - Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi encouraged the Developing-8 or D-8 member countries to help Palestine jointly, amidst the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

In the Extraordinary Meeting of the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers in Istanbul, on Saturday (June 8), Marsudi said that member countries namely Indonesia, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, and Nigeria must strengthen the work of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for Palestine.

"The D-8 member countries cannot sit still and relax while watching the genocide continue occurring in Gaza," she noted in a statement from her office on Sunday.

At the meeting, she also emphasized that ever-lasting peace, as the main and long-term goal in resolving the Palestinian crisis, will not be possible without a ceasefire.

"This is where everyone, including Indonesia, highlighted the issue of a permanent ceasefire. Since the beginning, Indonesia has consistently called for the importance of a permanent ceasefire," the minister continued.

Before reaching a ceasefire, Marsudi outlined several things that must continue to be done to help Palestine.

First, D-8 members must continue to use their influence to get more countries to recognize Palestine, she said.

"I said that at the end of May in Europe, during a meeting with, among others, the Foreign Ministers of Norway, Spain, and Ireland, discussing the importance of recognition for Palestine. In June, I will have several meetings with European countries for the same purpose," she disclosed.

Second, the D-8 countries must continue to strive for Palestine to become a full member of the UN.

“This is not an easy way, we have to keep trying. D-8 must be the driving force for this effort," she emphasized.

Furthermore, the D-8 countries must continue to voice the importance of smooth aid delivery and support the work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

"Indonesia has several times increased its contribution to UNRWA. We also continued to support humanitarian assistance. The assistance provided is adjusted to the capabilities of each member country. Our spirit of solidarity is important," she remarked.

The Extraordinary Meeting of the D-8 Council of Foreign Ministers was specifically held to discuss the developing situation in Gaza.

D-8 was established to advance trade, role, and posture in international forums, and community welfare. All D-8 member countries are also members of the OIC.

Related news: Indonesia, Rwanda highlight need to increase support for Palestine
Related news: Indonesia's peacekeeping mission in Gaza hinges on UN mandate: FM
Related news: FM Marsudi highlights Indonesia's priorities in backing Palestine

Translator: Yashinta Difa P, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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