Jakarta (ANTARA) - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) affirmed that the inflation rate in Indonesia as of May 2024, at 2.84 percent, was one of the best achievements in the world.

Jokowi made this statement while opening the 2024 National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas) for Inflation Control at the State Palace Building, Jakarta, Friday.

"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the inflation control team that has worked hard and achieved an inflation rate of 2.84 percent in May. This is one of the best in the world," the president stated.

According to Jokowi, the current inflation situation in the country is relatively better than a decade ago, when it was recorded at 9.6 percent.

During the meeting, the president also reminded all regional policymakers that inflation is a serious problem necessitating attention and action.

He then lauded Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian for having opened an inflation information system in all regions of Indonesia.

"Every week, Minister Karnavian checked the inflation rate one by one in each province, city, and district. The figure is revealed for everyone to know," the president disclosed.

Moreover, during every working visit to regions, Jokowi also often evaluated the inflation situation in the local area.

"Every time I visit regions, I always ask the mayor or the district head regarding inflation and economic growth. I always ask about those topics, so we always pay attention to those important aspects," the president revealed.

He highlighted that the national economy was in a favorable condition, with an inflation rate of 2.84 percent and economic growth of 5.11 percent.

"Those numbers are refreshing. However, we have to remain alert, be careful, and not be careless. The challenges ahead will not be easy," he remarked.

The agenda of the National Coordination Meeting was physically attended by all governors in Indonesia, while mayors and district heads attended virtually.

Related news: Indonesia's inflation better than other G20 countries: Minister
Related news: Minister urges regional govts to remain vigilant on inflation rates

Translator: Andi Firdaus, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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