I reviewed the proving ground development, which we will soft-launch in September (2024).
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi informed that the construction of the Motor Vehicle Testing and Certification Center, or proving ground, in Bekasi, West Java, has reached 50 percent completion.

"I reviewed the proving ground development, which we will soft-launch in September (2024). The current progress is 50 percent; we hope that the President (Joko Widodo) can carry out the soft launch," he said here on Friday.

He added that he visited the proving ground located at the Roadworthiness Testing and Motor Vehicle Certification Center (BPLJSKB) in Bekasi, West Java. He said he is optimistic that the launch target of September would be realized.

The construction of the proving ground is still moving as per the target, he added.

"Technically, it is on schedule and it has met the requirements of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme, so we hope that we can replicate this experience in other projects," he said.

He informed that the proving ground will serve as an outdoor test facility of international standards.

In relation to the standards, the government has adopted the United Nations Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts.

With the construction of the proving ground, vehicle tests that are conducted abroad can later be carried out in Indonesia.

"Thus, the potential for vehicle exports from the Indonesian automotive industry will increase," Sumadi said.

The construction of the Bekasi proving ground was begun by the Transportation Ministry in 2021 under the PPP scheme.

The facility is expected to result in more accurate and world-standard testing of motor vehicles, which is expected to improve the safety of motor vehicles as well as support the commitment to reduce carbon emissions. (INE)

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Translator: M Harianto, Kenzu
Editor: Atman Ahdiat
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