Padang, West Sumatra (ANTARA) - The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment has informed that OceanX researchers participating in Misi Indonesia 2024 (Indonesian Mission) are also researching the megathrust fault to help prepare disaster mitigation measures.

"Research has been carried out but we cannot reveal it yet. It is under BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency) authority," the ministry's acting deputy secretary for maritime resources coordination, Aniza Suspita, said in Padang on Monday.

The ministry is supporting the research carried out by OceanX and BRIN. The research on the megathrust fault is expected to help devise measures for natural disasters, especially earthquakes and tsunamis, Suspita informed.

According to her, the research has mapped potential earthquake points to prepare for disaster mitigation in Indonesia since the country is located in the Ring of Fire.

So far, the research team has collected documentation in the form of photos and data related to the megathrust fault. However, OceanX researchers still need time for an in-depth study before presenting their findings to the public, she said.

"There is no detailed study yet because researchers are still taking samples every day," Suspita added.

She said that the 2024 Indonesian Mission is part of a long-term commitment to explore Southeast Asia waters and increase global understanding of one of the most biodiverse and potentially threatened marine areas in the world.

OceanX is conducting a series of research expeditions in Indonesia with the OceanXplorer, touted to be the most advanced media production and exploration vessel in the world. Before conducting research in Indonesia, OceanX launched its multi-year Southeast Asia focus in Singapore on March 8, 2024, and made the country the central meeting point for regional operations.

The Indonesian Mission started on May 8 in Batam, Riau Islands, and will end on August 25 in Bitung, North Sulawesi. During the five research stages, OceanX, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and BRIN will utilize the latest technology.

Related news: Watch out for Sunda Strait's megathrust segment: BMKG
Related news: Sunda Strait megathrust segment may trigger 8.7-M quake: BRIN

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Translator: Muhammad Zulfikar, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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