Digital technology offers convenience in accessing information, which consequently places people with a low level of financial literacy in a highly vulnerable position.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati called on people to bolster financial literacy so that they can sift information and avoid risky activities in digital space, such as taking online loans and indulging in online gambling.

"Digital technology offers convenience in accessing information, which consequently places people with a low level of financial literacy in a highly vulnerable position. We need to build self-defense to prevent ourselves from falling victim (to online crimes)," she said in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Speaking at a financial education event organized by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), Indrawati urged people to be skeptical toward online business schemes offering profits of significantly higher value than the capital required.

The minister affirmed that an ideal business does not offer excessively tempting profits.

"That is exploitation. If an offer is too good to be true, it is vital that you validate it multiple times to make sure whether it is a scam or not. Then, think rationally," she added.

Related news: OJK highlights need to increase people's financial literacy

The state treasurer then voiced her support for the programs implemented by the OJK, such as the Bundaku Program, to educate people, especially women and mothers.

Bundaku is a program that aims to boost financial literacy through the empowerment of women and mothers by designating them as ambassadors of financial literacy.

Indrawati said that women play a crucial role in disseminating information on financial literacy to a broader population.

She then mentioned Raden Ajeng Kartini, one of the most influential women in Indonesian history, saying Kartini believed that providing women with access to information is the key to creating better generations.

Related news: Ministry steadfast in boosting youngsters' financial literacy

Translator: Imamatul S, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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