"On top of the information on screening results, the WhatsApp notification will also show health education according to the results of screening that has been conducted,"
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Health Ministry pursues a project in which it notifies patients of their screening results for non-transmissible diseases, including heart ailments, cancer, blood disease, and respiratory issues, to enable them to promptly seek medical help.

"The WhatsApp notification for non-transmissible disease screening will immediately take place simultaneously throughout Indonesia on June 22, 2024, through an update of the ASIK application on version 2.3.3.," Chief of the Technology Transformation Office (TTO) at the ministry Setiaji remarked.

In a statement received here on Wednesday, Setiaji noted that the notification will be sent through the text messaging service WhatsApp, after medical personnel input screening results on the My Healthy Indonesia (ASIK) application. He stated that it is part of the ministry's promotive and preventive health measures.

He opined that screening is vital, as it can also detect diabetes in people early on to prevent the condition from worsening to become diabetes mellitus.

"On top of the information on screening results, the WhatsApp notification will also show health education according to the results of screening that has been conducted," he remarked.

According to Setiaji, ASIK is an application for early detection and non-transmissible disease screening used by medical personnel, such as in integrated health centers (posyandu) or public health centers (puskesmas).

He explained that during the January-June 2024 period, data on some 37.9 million screenings had been input into ASIK, and as many as 29.2 million people had undergone screenings for non-transmissible diseases.

Moreover, he highlighted that 10,173 or 97.6 percent of puskesmas had reported using the app to record screenings of non-transmissible diseases.

Setiaji remarked that during the same period, the application recorded 208,163 screenings for non-transmissible diseases on average daily, 1,457,178 on average weekly, and 6.3 million on average monthly.

As of July 14, 2024, some 83,987 of those screening notifications have been sent via WhatsApp.

"Currently, WhatsApp notification will be sent to people who have conducted screening for cervical cancer as well as checking on blood sugar, triglyceride, blood pressure, and breast cancer screening (for females) in puskesmas," he remarked.

Related news: Digital health service integration to be completed by 2023: Minister
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Reporter: Mecca Yumna Ning Prisie
Editor: Arie Novarina
Copyright © ANTARA 2024