Penajam Paser Utara (ANTARA) - The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) has said that the supply of clean, ready-to-drink water to IKN, the new capital of Indonesia, in Sepaku sub-district, East Kalimantan province, will start by the end of July 2024.

"Water flow tests at clean water supply facilities have been carried out; there are no obstacles to flowing clean water to Nusantara city (IKN)," the acting head of OIKN, Basuki Hadimuljono, informed in Penajam, East Kalimantan, on Wednesday.

The water flow test was carried out at the Sepaku Drinking Water Treatment Plant (WTP) on the network to the clean water supply reservoir at IKN, which is located at the city's highest point.

"The drainage test was carried out from Saturday (July 20, 2024) to Monday (July 22) early morning," Hadimuljono, who is also serving as Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), said.

It is targeted that by the end of July, the Sepaku drinking water supply system (SPAM) will become fully operational and serve clean water to several lands and buildings in IKN, he added.

The water flow test is an important part of the operation of the Sepaku SPAM to provide clean water to the new capital.

Sepaku SPAM consists of a WTP with a capacity of 300 liters per second, as well as a 16-kilometer-long transmission pipe, a reservoir, and a 22-kilometer-long distribution pipe.

Phase 1 of Sepaku SPAM is targeted to serve a number of buildings, including the Presidential Office and State Palace, as well as the building of the State Secretariat Ministry, the Presidential Guard Forces (Paspampres), and four buildings of coordinating ministries.

Then, it will provide water to ministerial houses, residences for civil servants (ASN), exhibition buildings (galleries), open arenas (amphitheaters), as well as daily household needs (service areas), and other public facilities such as hotels, schools, shops, and hospitals.

After the water flow test, the network system will be drained and the water quality in the pipe network will be monitored to ensure clean water quality, in keeping with applicable health standards, he informed.

Water quality checks will continue to be carried out before it enters the reservoir so that the clean water that flows to IKN can be drunk directly from the tap, and it is hoped that it can be used immediately, Hadimuljono said.

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Translator: Nyaman Bagus Purwaniawan, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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