Solo (ANTARA) - Collaboration and innovation are vital for developing Indonesia's game industry, according to the Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Ministry's director of digital economy, Bonifasius Wahyu Pudjianto.

Speaking at a game industry seminar in Solo, Central Java, on Wednesday, Pudjianto highlighted the ministry's commitment to creating an ecosystem suitable for such collaboration and innovation.

He also emphasized the need for Indonesia to produce more game developers to tap into the country's promising game market and penetrate foreign markets.

The official then lauded the Masyarakat Indonesia Emas Foundation (YMIE) for its initiative to hold the seminar.

"This event encourages young talents to develop educational games. It should be noted that games hold great economic value and they contribute to Indonesia's economy," he pointed out.

He then drew attention to the value of Indonesia's digital economy, noting that it has contributed around four percent to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), with the figure projected to touch 19 percent in 2045.

"This means we need to deal with a gap of 15 percent in the next two decades. I believe that the game industry has the potential to play a vital role in boosting the digital economy's contribution to the GDP," he said.

Meanwhile, YMIE chairperson Marsudi Wahyu Kusworo said that the foundation was established with the objective of preparing talented youths who can help achieve the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision.

He underlined that observers have forecast that Indonesia would emerge as the world's fourth-largest economy by 2045, while noting that the country currently ranks 12th.

Kusworo underscored that Indonesia can make the prediction true by making the most of its digital economy, adding that he believes the game industry is one of its essential pillars.

To that end, he emphasized the need to shift parents' assumptions about games being detrimental to children.

"It is important to create educational games that can build patriotism and nationalism or even those instrumental for introducing national cultures to foreign audiences," he said.

He also suggested that game development be integrated into the education curriculum.

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Translator: Aris W, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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