Padang, W Sumatra (ANTARA) - The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has underscored the importance of being prepared for various disaster risks, particularly megathrust earthquakes.

"Today, we are conducting a preparedness and simulation exercise to ensure we are ready to respond to disasters," stated BNPB Chief Suharyanto during a press conference in Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra.

Simultaneous drills are taking place in four locations: Pangandaran in West Java, Cilacap in Central Java, Pandeglang in Banten, and Mentawai Islands. These exercises are in response to expert predictions and BMKG warnings about the potential for large-scale earthquakes and tsunamis.

"Issues about the megathrust are only happening today, as Indonesia is in a very strategic position," he stated. "Since the past, it is said that several areas can potentially experience megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis."

The 2004 Aceh earthquake and tsunami, the 2009 Padang earthquake, and the 2010 Mentawai Islands earthquake and tsunami serve as stark reminders of the real threat these events pose, he said.

While experts cannot pinpoint the exact time or location of the next megathrust earthquake, the BNPB, military, police, central government, and local governments have initiated proactive measures to mitigate risks.

Stakeholders have developed annual programs to prepare vulnerable areas for tsunamis. These programs include installing advanced early warning systems and conducting community training as part of the Disaster Resilient Villages Program.

By creating disaster-resilient communities and providing modern detection tools, the BNPB aims to increase public awareness of megathrust risks and ensure that people are equipped to respond effectively during natural disasters.

Related news: No specific date for Indonesia's next megathrust earthquake: BRIN
Related news: Ministry sends team to map megathrust quake mitigation in Mentawai

Translator: M Zulfikar, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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