Banda Aceh, Aceh (ANTARA) - More than 8,500 security officers will be deployed to secure the 21st Aceh-North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON), the acting governor of Aceh, Safrizal Z.A., informed on Saturday.

"More than 8,500 security officers will be deployed throughout the venues and at the opening ceremony," he added.

The PON opening ceremony will take place at Aceh's Harapan Bangsa Stadium, which can accommodate 13,500 people, and the committee will also install big screens at several locations to allow people to watch the ceremony, he said.

"We will prepare big screens with decent sound system. UMKM (micro, small, and medium enterprises) stalls are also being prepared. The public can go to several spots to watch the ceremony without piling up at the stadium," he added.

The 2024 PON will open on Monday (September 9, 2024) night at Harapan Bangsa Stadium. According to Safrizal, President Joko Widodo is scheduled to attend the ceremony.

The acting governor assured that the stadium is ready for the opening ceremony, with the sound system and lights installed. The readiness of the equipment remains to be synchronized with the dance performers.

"We will have two rehearsals tonight and another rehearsal Sunday night. Hopefully, it will go smoothly," he said.

Regarding venue readiness, Safrizal informed that 99 percent of the match venues are ready for the event. The preparations at 20 sports venues are 100 percent complete, and other venues are still around 98–99 percent ready.

The construction of two venues — for equestrian and shooting events — is not expected to be finished by the time PON starts, but they can still be used for matches, he added.

"In principle, all match venues can be used for competing," he affirmed.

Related news: Indonesia's lawmaker urges optimal PON 2024 publicity
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Translator: Rizka Khaerunnisa, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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