Jakarta (ANTARA) - Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Minister Budi Arie Setiadi underscored the need for affirmative policies to support the data center industry as one of the main drivers for the economy and technology in the future.

Setiadi noted in a press release from his ministry here on Thursday that increasing the growth of the data center industry is part of the strategy for accelerating the national digital transformation.

To this end, the government is committed to presenting affirmative policies, considering that Indonesia has the potential to become a hub in the regional and international data center industry.

He emphasized that affirmative policies are needed to strengthen the investment climate, increase business competition, and meet public needs with innovation in the data center industry.

The minister stated that the government would strengthen Government Regulation Number 71 of 2019 on the Electronic System and Transaction Implementation (PP PSTE) and the drafting of Draft Kominfo Minister's Regulation on Electronic System Implementation in the Public Sector.

He also opens opportunities for provisions regulating private sector data centers in PP PSTE and Kominfo Minister's Regulation Number 5 of 2020 on the Electronic System Implementation for the Private Sector.

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Setiadi affirmed that the provisions are currently being reviewed to ensure that the economic values of the data center industry can be optimized.

He stated that limited revisions to the existing regulations are expected to improve legal certainty in several key norms.

According to the minister, the creation of policies that support the industry is an effort to create a just business competition climate and encourage healthy development of the industry.

They include data classification, access to electronic systems, and data for law supervision and enforcement, as well as investment facilities related to land, energy supply, and green energy.

He expressed hope that the data center industry can grow rapidly and become a main pillar in the country's digital transformation agenda toward Golden Indonesia 2045.

"The government is committed to creating an environment that supports the industry's growth and ensures that the existing regulations support investment and innovation in this sector," he said.

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Translator: Adimas Raditya, Raka Adji
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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