Jakarta (ANTARA) - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) said it strengthens the ability of human resources to supervise cyberspace during the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

A Bawaslu member, Puadi, stated here on Saturday that his side has coordinated with various parties to anticipate the increasing cases of black campaigns, hoaxes, and hate speeches during the Pilkada stages.

He remarked that Bawaslu will strengthen human resources to protect cybersecurity to ensure that all aspects related to Pilkada are run democratically.

Currently, cyberspace is where people often interact with each other, so there is a need to tighten supervision, according to Puadi.

He explained that the cybersecurity supervisory officers will focus on handling false information and black campaigns.

"We also strengthen and protect the internals by strengthening human resources who will become Bawaslu cybersecurity operators," he remarked.

Puadi highlighted that Bawaslu has in place the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) that will safeguard the agency's internal security and system. They can also be used to supervise the cyberspace, he said.

"The CSIRT is not only a protection system but also carries out campaigns in cyberspace and monitors it maximally," he remarked.

Currently, the 2024 Pilkada process has reached the administrative stage of verifying prospective candidate pairs.

After this administrative process is complete, a plenary meeting will be held to determine the regional head and deputy regional head candidates.

The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election will be held on November 27 in regions across Indonesia, comprising 37 provinces, 415 districts, and 93 cities.

Meanwhile, speaking in connection with ensuring cybersecurity ahead of and during Pilkada, the Communication and Informatics Ministry (Kominfo) said it is collaborating with social media platforms to fight hoaxes.

Related news: Ministry readies anti-hoax strategy for peaceful regional polls
Related news: Bawaslu projects hoax spread to peak in February 2024

Translator: Khaerul I, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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