Manokwari, West Papua (ANTARA) - The West Papua government has allocated 14 tons of rice for this year's food security reserve program.

Head of the West Papua Food Security Office, Lasarus Ullo, stated on Wednesday that the rice reserve is designated for communities in need, particularly during emergencies such as natural disasters.

"For instance, we distributed food aid to landslide victims in the Arfak Mountains district," Ullo noted.

He explained that the goal of distributing food aid to disaster victims is to prevent hunger.

His office is also conducting careful data collection to ensure the targeted distribution of aid and is coordinating with relevant agencies during natural disasters or food crises that may affect regional stability.

"Intervention measures must rely on accurate data to ensure the distribution reaches those who need it most," Ullo emphasized.

Currently, the West Papua Food Security Office is using a warehouse owned by the State Logistics Agency (Bulog) in Manokwari to store the rice supplies, he added.

Earlier, the National Food Agency requested that the provincial government build an inclusive warehouse to store community food reserves.

Ullo also revealed that an additional 36 tons of rice will be distributed to seven districts in West Papua, including Manokwari, South Manokwari, Arfak Mountains, Bintuni Bay, Wondama Bay, Kaimana, and Fakfak.

"The distribution of social aid is part of efforts to combat extreme poverty, reduce stunting, and control inflation in West Papua," he said.

The rice supplies were sourced from outside the province due to increased local rice prices, which strained the budget, he added.

Related news: West Papua can be rice barn for four provinces: minister
Related news: Government distributes 24,540 kg of rice aid to West Papuans

Translator: Fransiskus W, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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